2 SEPTEMBER 2016 | PromoVisionModels provided a promo model for Wavin on the Van Walraven information market last Thursday. This proactive lady invited the guests to take pictures with John the Installer. Through this she introduced them to the Wavin Gear Up promotion.
Gear Up
Van Walraven organized an information market in combination with food truck festival for all their customers and relations. Van Walraven is a wholeseller in infra- and installation products. As a regular supplier from Van Walraven, Wavin was invited to provide a stall. This was the perfect opportunity to promote the Gear Up promotion.
John the Installer, the face of the Gear Up campaign, was present as a cardboard figure with which visitors could take pictures on the event. The promo girl of PromoVisionModels urged the visitors from the information market to take a picture with John the Installer. After taking a pictures they received a lottery ticket, with which they could have won a free Gear. There were small prices, like folding rulers, thermo cups, powerbanks, but there were also big prices like an Apple Watch, CamPro camera and for the grand price a fully equipped van with installation tools at the value of 5.000 euro.
By actively approaching visitors, the model made sure that all winning codes were distributed, but above all she created more awareness towards the target group. PromoVisionModels made sure the model looked like a true installeress with the styling and printed Wavin logo’s. In dungarees and shirt with Wavin Gear Up logo she looked like a real engineer, but because of her Wavin earrings she didn’t lack her flair. Looking for a promotor for your business or event? Contact us for a quotation.